Ortho Rentals
We are happy to offer rehabilitation equipment through orthorentals.ca.
They offer the Artromot-K3 and Artromot-K4 knee and hip CPM machine.
Everyone at Ortho Rentals, LTD.® are registered Physiotherapists whom have been working in Private clinics, Hospitals and Community for many years.
Continuous Passive Motion "CPM"
A therapeutic device that passively moves the affected joint through a prescribed Range of
Motion (ROM). Both speed and degree of bending motion (extension/flexion) can be adjusted in accordance
with the surgeon’s recommendations. The CPM machine fully supports your joint, making it a pain free
and very comfortable experience. All you need to do is relax and let the machine do the work. Usually it will
be used immediately after a surgery, though depending on the type of injury you could also use it pre-op
when mobility and pain is an issue.